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Maldives Opposition Prepared to Initiate Impeachment Motion Against President Muizzu

Maldives President Muizzu And The Cabinet: The main opposition party in the Maldives, the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), is getting ready to impeach President Mohamed Muizzu, according to local news. An MDP lawmaker shared that they have a proposal for impeachment with enough signatures, including support from the Democrats, but it hasn’t been officially submitted yet, as reported by

Maldives president Mohamed Muizzu

The Parliament changed its rules to make it easier to submit an impeachment motion. Together, the MDP and Democrats have 56 out of 87 seats in the Parliament. Reports from local media say that the Maldivian Constitution allows the President’s impeachment with 56 votes. However, only 34 signatures have been gathered so far, out of the needed 56, according to Adhadhu.

Last week, the MDP and its offshoot, the Democrats, agreed to work together in the Maldives Parliament. The current situation unfolded after chaotic scenes in the Parliament, where protesters threw rocks following the MDP’s decision to reject some of Muizzu’s cabinet appointments, including economic minister Mohamed Saeed, attorney general Ahmed Usham, housing minister Ali Haidar, and Islamic minister Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed.

The disagreement led to disorder within the Parliament, with physical fights between government and opposition lawmakers. Pro-government supporters, led by ministers, gathered outside the building. There has been no official comment from either party. The Print tried reaching out to the MDP for a response but received no reply at the time of publication. The report will be updated if a response is received.

Maldives Government Takes Rule Revision for President’s Impeachment to Supreme Court

As the main opposition in the Maldives plans to impeach President Mohamed Muizzu, the government has taken the issue to the Supreme Court, challenging a recent change in Parliament’s rules that makes impeachment easier, as reported on Tuesday.

The Attorney General’s Office filed the case on Sunday, the same day clashes occurred in the Parliament between pro-government MPs and opposition lawmakers, sparked by disagreements over approving four cabinet members.

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), the leading opposition with a majority in Parliament, stalled the approval of three of President Muizzu’s cabinet members on Monday. Following this, the MDP announced plans to gather signatures for an impeachment motion. However, by Monday evening, the three ministers were re-appointed.

The controversy arose after seven lawmakers resigned from Parliament in November to take top positions in Muizzu’s administration. The Elections Commission chose not to hold by-elections as parliamentary elections are scheduled for this year, as reported by

Seizing the opportunity, the MDP amended Parliament’s rules so that vacated seats wouldn’t be counted, reducing the number of votes needed for impeachment from 58 to 54. The total number of MPs is now 80 instead of 87, according to the amended standing orders.

Last week, the MDP and the Democrats formed an alliance with a combined total of 56 MPs. This alliance gives them the power to impeach the president, if desired, as stated by

Attorney General Ahmed Usham confirmed filing the case with the Supreme Court on Sunday but noted that the court has yet to register the case. A lawmaker from MDP mentioned on Monday that the party has enough signatures for an impeachment motion but has not yet submitted it.

President Muizzu, who has a pro-China stance, won the presidential runoff in September last year. On January 24, the MDP and Democrats expressed concern about the government’s “anti-India stance,” emphasizing India as the “most long-standing ally.” The Maldives holds strategic importance due to its proximity to India and its location in the Indian Ocean Region.

Maldives Opposition Leader Calls on President Muizzu for Immediate Apology to PM Modi and the People of India :

Maldives Jumhooree Party (JP) leader Qasim Ibrahim has urged Maldivian President Mohammed Muizzu to issue a formal apology to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the people of India, as reported by Voice of Maldives, a Maldivian digital news outlet.

Ibrahim emphasized the importance of maintaining good relations with neighboring countries and highlighted the obligation to consider the impact of statements on diplomatic ties. He referred to President Solih’s decree last year, which deemed the opposition’s ‘India Out’ campaign a threat to national security. The campaign, led by former President Abdulla Yameen, falsely claimed that Indian military officers in the Maldives violated sovereignty.

Qasim Ibrahim cautioned against nullifying the decree, as it could harm the nation. He called on President Muizzu to formally apologize for remarks made after a trip to China, which escalated tensions. The ‘India Out’ campaign targeted President Solih and the Maldivian Democratic Party, seen as close to India.

Last month, India and the Maldives agreed to expedite the withdrawal of Indian military personnel from the island nation. The withdrawal was a key campaign promise for Muizzu’s party during the presidential elections. Currently, approximately 70 Indian troops, along with aircraft and helicopters, are stationed in the Maldives.

Shortly after taking office, Muizzu officially requested the Indian government to withdraw its military personnel. Tensions flared further when a Maldivian deputy minister and other officials made disrespectful remarks about Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Lakshadweep and his call for developing the Indian archipelago for global beach tourism.

The Maldives government distanced itself from the comments, emphasizing the need for diplomatic decorum.

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