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Understanding Atmanirbhar Bharat Scheme 2020: Discover Pros, Cons, and Steps Towards Self-Reliant India

Atmanirbhar Bharat, or “self-reliant India,” is an economic policy concept promoted by the Indian government that emphasizes the importance of domestic production, innovation, and self-sufficiency in driving economic growth. The idea behind Atmanirbhar Bharat is to encourage domestic businesses and industries to become more competitive and self-sufficient, rather than relying on foreign imports or external support.

This includes measures such as increasing investments in research and development, supporting domestic industries and entrepreneurs, and promoting the use of domestic products and services. The goal of Atmanirbhar Bharat is to make India more economically self-reliant and less dependent on external factors, ultimately leading to a more sustainable and resilient economy.

Atmanirbhar Bharat

Atmanirbhar Bharat:

Atma Nirbhar is a term used in India to refer to being self-reliant or self-sufficient. It means being able to rely on one’s own resources and abilities, rather than relying on external help or support. It is often used in the context of economic self-sufficiency, but can also be applied to personal growth and development. The term is often used in the context of national pride and the desire for India to become more independent and self-reliant.

It was a campaign launched by the government of India, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to encourage self-sufficiency and reduce the country’s reliance on other nations. The campaign focuses on building up the domestic production of goods and services, and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship within the country. It is meant to help India become more economically self-sufficient and to create more job opportunities for its people.

Atmanirbhar Bharat Scheme:

The Atmanirbhar Bharat Bharat scheme is an economic package announced by the Government of India in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It aims to make India self-reliant by promoting domestic production and reducing reliance on imports, particularly in key sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology.

The scheme includes measures such as financial support for small businesses, increased access to credit, tax cuts, and infrastructure development. It also focuses on boosting employment and attracting foreign investment to the country. The goal of the Atmanirbhar Bharat Bharat scheme is to strengthen the Indian economy and build resilience against future crises.

The Atmanirbhar Bharat scheme is a national scheme introduced on May 12, 2020, by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. It is being implemented in all states of India.  “Atmanirbhar Bharat” is a term that was coined by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, in a speech he made in May 2020. The term translates to “self-reliant” or “self-sufficient” in English, and it refers to the idea of making India self-reliant in various fields, including the economy, defence, and technology.

The concept of Atmanirbhar Bharat is seen as an important part of India’s efforts to become a global power and reduce its dependence on other countries. It has also been used as a rallying cry for national unity and self-sufficiency in the face of economic challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Atmanirbhar Bharat Scheme

Atmanirbhar Bharat is a Sanskrit term that translates to self-reliance or self-sufficiency. It is a concept that has gained significant importance in recent times, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has exposed the vulnerabilities of global supply chains and the reliance of countries on imports.

The concept of Atmanirbhar Bharat is not new and has been a part of India’s cultural and philosophical traditions for centuries. It is deeply rooted in the Indian philosophy of Swadeshi, which advocates the use of locally produced goods and services, as opposed to imports. Swadeshi was a key principle of the Indian independence movement and has continued to shape India’s economic policies even after independence.

The idea of Atmanirbhar Bharat is not just about economic self-reliance, but also about cultural and social self-sufficiency. It means the ability of a country or community to be self-sustaining and self-sufficient, without relying on external help or support.

This can be achieved through a range of measures, including the development of domestic industries, a strong agriculture sector, and the promotion of indigenous knowledge and technology. In recent times, the concept of Atmanirbhar Bharat has gained renewed importance as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of global supply chains and the reliance on the country.

Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan is an economic stimulus package announced by the Government of India in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The package is worth a total of INR 20 lakh crore, which is equivalent to about 2.7% of India’s GDP. The main objectives of the package are to provide relief to those affected by the pandemic, stimulate the economy, and promote self-reliance in various sectors of the economy. The package includes measures such as direct cash transfers to vulnerable households, credit guarantees for small businesses, and tax breaks for certain sectors.

Self-Reliant India Campaign:

The self-reliant India campaign is a government initiative launched in India in 2020 to promote domestic production and reduce reliance on imports in various sectors. It aims to boost the domestic economy by encouraging local businesses to manufacture products and reduce their reliance on foreign suppliers. The campaign also aims to improve the infrastructure and supply chain within the country, and to promote the use of local products and services. It is part of the broader “Make in India” initiative launched by the government in 2014, which aims to make India a global manufacturing hub.

Self-Reliant India Campaign of Atmanirbhar Bharat Scheme:

The self-reliant India campaign, also known as the Atmanirbhar Bharat scheme, is an initiative launched by the Indian government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It aims to promote domestic production and self-sufficiency, particularly in key sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture, and technology. The campaign focuses on empowering small businesses and entrepreneurs, and encourages the use of local products and services. It also includes measures to boost domestic supply chains and reduce reliance on imports, as well as initiatives to promote research and development and innovation within the country. The ultimate goal of the self-reliant India campaign is to make India a global economic powerhouse and a leader in various sectors.

Five Pillars Of Atmanirbhar Bharat:
  1. Economy: This pillar focuses on building a strong, resilient and self-reliant economic system in India through measures such as boosting domestic production, increasing exports, and promoting entrepreneurship and innovation.
  2. Infrastructure: This pillar focuses on building a strong infrastructure base in India through initiatives such as the National Infrastructure Pipeline, which aims to invest INR 111 lakh crore in the country’s infrastructure over the next five years.
  3. Systemic Efficiency: This pillar aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of India’s systems and processes through measures such as digitalization, simplification of rules and regulations, and improving the ease of doing business.
  4. Vibrant Demography: This pillar focuses on harnessing the potential of India’s youthful population through initiatives such as skill development, education, and employment generation.
  5. Demand: This pillar focuses on increasing domestic demand through measures such as increasing purchasing power, improving access to credit, and increasing the availability of affordable goods and services.
Key Highlights of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan:
  1. The Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan aims to boost the country’s self-reliance and reduce its dependence on imports.
  2. It focuses on the revival and growth of key sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture, and defence production.
  3. The plan includes measures to boost exports, improve ease of doing business, and attract investment from domestic and foreign sources.
  4. It also aims to provide financial support to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through credit guarantee schemes and easier access to capital.
  5. The plan aims to increase the role of the private sector in key sectors such as defense production, space, and atomic energy.
  6. It also focuses on creating a conducive environment for innovation and research, with the aim of making India a global hub for research and development.
  7. The Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan also includes measures to improve infrastructure, such as the development of logistics hubs and the expansion of roads, airports, and ports.
  8. It aims to improve the availability of affordable and quality healthcare and education services for all citizens.

Some of the key elements of the Atmanirbhar Bharat campaign include:

  1. Increasing domestic production: The government has announced measures to promote the growth of domestic industries, including the Make in India initiative, which encourages companies to manufacture their products in India.
  2. Promoting exports: The government has launched schemes to boost the export of Indian goods and services, including the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) and the Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS).
  3. Reducing dependence on imports: The government has implemented measures to reduce India’s dependence on imported goods, including tariffs on imported products and incentives for domestic production.
  4. Boosting domestic demand: The government has announced measures to increase domestic demand for goods and services, including infrastructure development projects and schemes to promote the growth of small and medium enterprises.
  5. Strengthening the supply chain: The government has announced measures to improve the efficiency of the supply chain.

Reasons That ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ May Not Work Are:

  1. Lack of infrastructure: Atmanirbhar Bharat aims to make India self-reliant and reduce its dependence on imports. However, inadequate infrastructure such as inadequate transportation, poor quality roads, and limited power supply can hinder the growth of domestic industries.
  2. Limited access to capital: Many small and medium enterprises in India face difficulties in accessing capital, which can restrict their ability to invest in technology and innovation. This can hinder their ability to compete with larger, more established companies.
  3. Lack of skilled labour: India’s labour force is largely unskilled, which can limit the growth of certain industries. Without a skilled workforce, companies may be unable to produce high-quality products or services, which can hinder their competitiveness.
  4. Limited access to technology: Many Indian companies do not have access to the latest technology, which can make it difficult for them to compete with companies from more developed countries. This can limit the growth of domestic industries.
  5. Political instability: Political instability and corruption can also hinder the success of Atmanirbhar Bharat. Policy changes and government interference can disrupt businesses and create uncertainty, which can limit investment and growth.

Pros And Cons of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan:


  • The package includes measures to boost domestic production, such as incentivizing domestic manufacturing and investing in infrastructure. This could help reduce India’s reliance on imported goods and create jobs in the domestic economy.
  • The package includes measures to support small businesses, such as providing collateral-free loans and extending the deadline for tax compliance. This could help small businesses weather the economic downturn caused by the pandemic.
  • The package includes measures to boost the agriculture sector, such as increasing the minimum support price for certain crops and investing in rural infrastructure. This could help improve the livelihoods of farmers and rural communities.


  • The package has been criticized for not being sufficient to address the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, with some arguing that it does not provide enough direct support to individuals and households.
  • Some have also criticized the package for not doing enough to address structural issues in the economy, such as the lack of access to credit for small businesses and the low levels of domestic investment.
  • It is unclear how the package will be funded, with some concerns that it may lead to an increase in government borrowing or deficits.

Why Do We Need Atmanirbhar Bharat?

  1. Economic independence: India has always relied on other countries for its economic needs. Atmanirbhar Bharat aims to make India self-reliant by encouraging domestic production and consumption, thereby reducing our dependence on other countries.
  2. National security: India is strategically located in the world and is home to a diverse population. Atmanirbhar Bharat aims to strengthen our national security by making our defence and strategic sectors self-reliant.
  3. Job creation: Atmanirbhar Bharat aims to create jobs within the country by boosting domestic production and consumption. This will help reduce the unemployment rate and improve the standard of living for the people.
  4. Global competitiveness: Atmanirbhar Bharat aims to make India a global leader in various sectors, including manufacturing, services, and research and development. This will increase our competitiveness in the global market and make us a strong player in the world economy.
  5. Environmental sustainability: Atmanirbhar Bharat aims to reduce our reliance on imported goods and promote domestic production, which will reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to environmental sustainability

To make India Atmanirbhar (self-reliant), we need to improve:

  1. Infrastructure: Developing and improving infrastructure is crucial for the growth and development of the country. This includes building roads, highways, airports, ports, and rail networks to improve connectivity within the country and with other nations.
  2. Education: Providing quality education to all citizens is necessary to create a skilled workforce and promote innovation. This includes investing in schools, colleges, and universities to improve the standard of education.
  3. Manufacturing: India needs to focus on developing its own manufacturing sector to reduce its reliance on imports. This includes investing in research and development to create innovative products and technologies.
  4. Agriculture: Improving the agriculture sector is crucial for self-reliance as it is the main source of livelihood for a large part of the population. This includes investing in modern technologies, infrastructure, and training programs to increase productivity and efficiency.
  5. Energy: India needs to focus on developing its own sources of energy to reduce its dependence on foreign sources. This includes investing in renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.
  6. Innovation: Encouraging and supporting innovation is crucial for self-reliance. This includes investing in research and development, promoting entrepreneurship, and creating a conducive environment for innovation.

There are many ways to support Atmanirbhar Bharat:

  1. Buy products made in India: By purchasing goods and services produced in India, you can support the domestic economy and help create jobs for people in the country.
  2. Start a business in India: If you have the skills and resources, consider starting a business in India. This can help create jobs and stimulate economic growth.
  3. Invest in Indian companies: By investing in Indian businesses, you can help provide capital for expansion and growth.
  4. Promote tourism in India: India has a rich cultural heritage and many beautiful tourist destinations. By promoting tourism in the country, you can help boost the economy and support local communities.
  5. Learn about and participate in government initiatives: The government of India has launched several initiatives to promote self-reliance and boost the domestic economy. By learning about these initiatives and participating in them, you can help support Atmanirbhar Bharat.
  6. Volunteer or donate to Indian organizations: There are many organizations in India working to improve the lives of people in the country. Consider volunteering your time or donating money to support their efforts.

Steps Taken By Modiji To Make India Atmanirbhar Bharat Are:

“Atmanirbhar Bharat” (Self-Reliant India) is a campaign launched by the Government of India to stimulate the country’s economic growth and development. Some of the steps taken by the government to promote self-reliance in India include:

  1. Increasing domestic production: The government has implemented policies to encourage domestic production of goods and services, such as the Make in India initiative, which aims to increase the share of domestic manufacturing in the country.
  2. Boosting the export sector: The government has implemented measures to increase the competitiveness of Indian exports in global markets, such as the Scheme for Promotion of Export of Indian Services.
  3. Fostering innovation and research: The government has launched initiatives to promote innovation and research in India, such as the Atal Innovation Mission, which aims to support innovative ideas and start-ups in the country.
  4. Promoting digital transformation: The government has implemented measures to promote the use of digital technologies in India, such as the Digital India initiative, which aims to increase access to digital services and infrastructure in the country.
  5. Enhancing the ease of doing business: The government has implemented reforms to make it easier for businesses to operate in India, such as simplifying the process for obtaining licenses and permits.
  6. Investing in infrastructure: The government has increased investment in infrastructure projects, such as the Bharat Mala, Pari yojana, a nationwide project to improve road connectivity in the country.


Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan is a realistic dream as it involves taking steps towards self-reliance and self-sufficiency in various sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology. However, it will require consistent efforts and determination from the government, businesses, and citizens to make it a reality. It will also require a balanced approach, taking into consideration the needs and interests of all stakeholders, as well as the challenges and opportunities presented by the global market.

It is possible for India to become Atmanirbhar, or self-reliant, but it will require significant effort and investment in various sectors such as infrastructure, education, and manufacturing. Additionally, there must be a focus on supporting domestic businesses and promoting domestic production, rather than relying on imports.

The government and private sector must work together to create a favorable business environment that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship, and there must also be a focus on developing the skills and capabilities of the workforce. With the right policies and strategies in place, it is possible for India to become more self-reliant and reduce its reliance on other countries.

It is up to the people and government of India to decide if it is time for India to become self-reliant. “Atmanirbhar Bharat” is a concept that was emphasized by the government of India in 2020 as a response to the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The idea behind Atmanirbhar Bharat is to promote domestic production and reduce reliance on imports, with the goal of making India a stronger and more self-sufficient economy.

Whether or not this is the right approach for India depends on a variety of factors, including the country’s economic conditions, the availability of domestic resources, and the needs and priorities of the Indian people. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to pursue Atmanirbhar Bharat is one that will be made by the government and people of India.

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